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Production of topographic plans at 1:500 scale

Services and costs

1. Topographic plan production

We will run a survey and draw topographic plans at a scale of 1:500 and smaller for you. We use Lidar scanners and aerial survey UAVs. Our specialists with more than 10 years of experience are ready work for you anywhere in the world.

The cost of a topographic plan at a 1: 500 scale starts from $80 per hectare, at a 1: 1000 scale from $37 per hectare , at a 1: 2000 scale from $32 per hectare

2. Ground-based mobile LiDAR scanning and Digital Elevation Model production

Aerostream provides LiDAR scanning services. We use AGM MS2.200 and AGM MS3 scanners. We have more than 2 years of aerial LiDAR scanning experience. We offer a full-cycle work from data collection and point cloud classification to creation of DEM, contour line construction, and elevation point extraction for subsequent topographical plan production. We have over 100 completed projects under our belt.

The cost of aerial LiDAR scanning is $16 per hectare. Get a discounted rate for scanning large areas and save big!

3. Remote sensing, creation of orthomosaics and other derivatives

Aerostream provides aerial surveying services using professional UAVs equipped with dual-frequency satellite receivers and professional full-frame 24-42 megapixel cameras. We are more than 7 years in business and have an established team of qualified aerial surveyors. We offer a full cycle of work from pre-flight on-the-ground preparation to data collection, processing, and delivering final products - orthomosaic and/or topographic plan.

The cost of an orthomosaic at a 1:500 scale starts at $24 per linear kilometer for linear objects, and at $48 per square kilometer for areal objects, depending on the volume of survey.

The work includes:

  • Obtaining permits for airspace use 
  • Installation of ground control points (GCPs)
  • Capturing the data with UAV
  • Processing of GNSS measurements, image center coordinates calculation, verification of results with control points
  • Photogrammetric processing - production of orthomosaic, digital surface model, digital elevation model (under certain conditions), 3D model, and point cloud
  • Importing data into AutoCAD

Final results are provided in AutoCAD 

4. The earthworks volume calculation

$160 per hectare

5. Staking out site boundaries

Starting at $160


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