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aeromagnetic survey


Aeromagnetic survey using UAVs allows for faster and more accurate magnetic surveys at minimal cost. Thanks to a pre-built terrain model, it is possible to fly at a precisely specified altitude, repeating the terrain in detail.

Advantages of the method

High data accuracy

This is achieved through a sensitive magnetometer that records the smallest fluctuations in the magnetic field and a highly accurate terrain model.


In good weather conditions and safe use of equipment, one set of equipment can cover up to 180 linear kilometers* of filming per day.

* this figure also depends on the equipment used

Маршрут съемки

Filming route

Budget savings

by eliminating the need to use expensive geophysical platform carriers (airplanes and helicopters) and by eliminating the need to involve additional personnel in difficult working conditions

Work at night

Work in hard to reach areas

Drones can fly where ground-based research is difficult or impossible

Minimizing environmental impact

Quadcopters do not produce significant CO2 emissions and do not disturb wildlife

Application areas

Geological exploration and mining

Based on the data obtained, magnetic anomaly maps are created, helping geologists find promising areas for mining

Engineering surveys and construction

Based on the data obtained, it is possible to identify underground faults, voids and areas of weakened soil

Archaeology and cultural heritage

This method of data collection allows us to work without destroying the cultural layer

Search for underground objects and utilities

A drone with a magnetometer can detect buried metal structures, tunnels, pipelines, cables, gas lines, reducing the risk of damage during construction

Карта магнитных аномалий с диапазоном значений магнитного поля

Magnetic anomaly map with magnetic field range

Received data

  • The observed magnetic field data is recorded 5 times per second, which will ensure a distance of 2 m on the surface between observation points;
  • The average error in determining the coordinates of observation points after performing differential correction of data does not exceed ±2 m;
  • The absolute measurement error does not exceed 0.2 nT;
  • Carrying out control measurements along several routes in the amount of at least 5 % of the total number of survey routes.

Equipment used

To perform For aeromagnetic survey using UAVs we use a quantum magnetometer in combination with DJI Matrice 350RTKTo record daily changes in the magnetic field (record variations in the Earth's magnetic field), we use a magnetovariation station (MVS). 

DJI Matrice 350 RTK с магнитометром

DJI Matrice 350 RTK with magnetometer

Магнитовариационная станция МВС SmartMag

Magnetic Variation Station MVS SmartMag

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