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Upgrade your drone to survey grade

Upgrade your drone and camera to get a centimeter-level accuracy from your surveys!


Who needs this?

Surveying or cadastral engineers who wish to significantly increase productivity

Those who use consumer drones for surveying and are tired from installation of hundreds of ground control points

Aerial photographers and videographers willing to discover a new direction of business with minimum investments

Until a few years ago, drones with a GNSS receiver on board costed tens of thousands of dollars. This solution was available only to large companies. Now small and affordable GNSS receivers, budget base stations and open source processing software are available on the market. By combining these technologies with reliable drones such as DJI Phantom 4 Pro, Geoscan 101/201, Fixar 007, we created an inexpensive tool for a surveyors, cartographers, cadastral engineers, mine surveyors, etc. At Aerostream you can upgrade your drone and turn it into a survey instrument.

Upgrade includes:

  • Installation of L1 Emlid Reach M+ or L1\L2 Emlid Reach M2 
  • Installation of a camera shutter to geodetic receiver synchronization system. Surveying with a quadcopter at 100 meters altitude, it provides 3-5 cm horizontal and vertical accuracy without ground reference points. Surveying with a fixed wing, horizontal and vertical accuracy of 10 cm is achievable.
  • Camera and lens upgrade, when using Sony RX1 and Sony Alpha series 
  • External quick release receiver and antenna mount for quadcopter, and built in installation for a fixed wing
  • Camera calibration, camera calibration parameters and camera to antenna offsets
  • Custom software for image georeference files production
  • Survey data processing and photogrammetric processing manual (for Agisoft Metashape)

Drones and cameras we upgrade


The most reliable drone for small object surveys. Aerostream has been successfully upgrading Phantoms 4 PRO / ADV to for surveying since mid-2018. More than 100 upgraded phantoms are used by our happy customers. We use 5 upgraded Phantoms at Aerostream. 
The cost of upgrade is $1990 (GNSS receiver included )
phantom 4 pro ppk
геоскан 201

GEOSCAN 101/201

If you have a Geoscan UAV, our specialists can integrate a L1/L2 survey grade GNSS receiver into it. High degree of shutter and receiver synchronization provides the accuracy suitable for 1: 500 scale. As a bonus, you can get a search radio beacon installed to your drone. Upgrade cost by request.


We upgrade cameras for aerial photography. We capture sync pulse of the camera shutter directly from the matrix and provide a power output for the camera. The lens is permanently set to infinity. 

The cost of Sony Rx-1r upgrade is $975

The cost of Sony Alpha series upgrade is $1080

sony RX1r300


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